How Does the FDM Licensing Application Process Work?
Some Important Details- General:
LFDM licensure is open to all student applicants who have completed the L.E.G.S. Applied Ethology Family
Dog Mediation Professional Course.
Applications are accepted twice a year, from May 1- June 1 and from January 1-February 1.
There are various requirements for the different divisions (see details in later pages for your division(s) of
interest). Please make sure you qualify for a division before you apply.
Applicants may apply for one division or multiple divisions at a time. Please indicate which divisions you
are currently applying for in the application.
Applications will be reviewed and applicants contacted to set up interviews with Division Heads by the end
of the subsequent month after applications close (by July 1 for Summer applications and by March 1 by
March 1 for Winter applications).
Approved applications will be passed on to the respective division head(s) for the division(s) applied for, to
set up interviews with the applicants before finalizing licensure approval.
Some Important Details-Dues:
- After applicant approval & membership enrollment, Licensure dues will be automatically charged on a monthly basis - $25/month for the first division and $10/month for each additional division (*with the exception of the FDM Service & Library Division).
- Licensure is not complete until the first monthly dues have been paid and the Licensure Agreement has been signed, at which point Licensure certificates will be issued and members added to the directory.
- Failure to pay dues / provide or update accurate payment information will result in loss of Licensed status.
- *The Service & Library Division is a division of licensure available to those who are willing and able to contribute in a meaningful capacity to the official FDM platform and projects and as a result does not require payment of financial dues as service work substitutes for payment (for more information please see Service & Library Division in the “What Are the Licensure Divisions?” document.