Debra Ford

I come to this profession later in life, having spent many years as a retail manager and people developer. In 2012 I started volunteering at a local animal shelter, after adopting a dog from them. I began at the shelter as a walker and within a few years was working with advanced behavioral dogs. I decided I needed to know more and embarked on my educational journey., The end goal always being to help more dogs in shelter. I graduated from VSA academy, Susan Friedman's LLA, Michael Shikashio's Master course in aggression, IAABC Principles and Practice of Animal Behavior Consulting, Trish McMillian's Shelter Mentorship and, of course, L.E.G.S.
I have spent three years assisting a local trainer and continue to do so.
In October I made the decision to follow my passion and retired from my job of over 30 years. I have taken a position as the Manager of Training and Behavior at the Humane Society of Greater Nashua. I work with shelter dogs, and offer low cost classes and privates for the public. I am also involved in training new volunteers, staff, contributing to our social media, as well as our blog. It has been a privilege to do this work.
In the past, before sheltering, I was a hospice volunteer for 13 years. I lived with two amazing, Delta Certified therapy dogs that would visit patience weekly. I live with two dogs now: Harry and Dewey. The greatest compliment I have ever received was from a friend and fellow trainer who commented that they are "Dog people's Dogs"
Do the best you can, until you know better, then when you know better, Do better.
-Maya Angleou