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Jen Biglan

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Eugene, OR
(541)-357-PETS (7387)

Jen Biglan, is a Licensed Family Dog Mediator in the training, sheltering, and behavior divisions. A Certified Dog Behavior Consultant, and a member of the Karen Pryor Academy faculty, Jen has loved all things furry since childhood.

After 15 years of working on her own, in 2016, Jen found a business partner and launched Training Spot, a 4,000-square-foot facility dedicated to community education, positive training, and improving the human-animal relationship. Training Spot has a team of 10 trainers (and growing) and offers more than 35 classes a week, including group classes, private lessons, behavior consultations, and mentorship for new trainers.

Jen’s natural talent for understanding, addressing, and alleviating fearful and aggressive tendencies in dogs has earned her the respect of clients, trainers, and local veterinarians across the country.

Licensed Family Dog Mediator